Empowering journeys and celebrating recoveries with caring hearts, compassionate support, and experienced guidance. Recovery is a reality!
Faces and Voices for Recovery
Our goal is to promote recovery from Substance Use Disorder through education, advocacy, and comprehensive recovery support services.
Faces and Voices for Recovery
We envision a Lowcountry where recovery from Substance Use Disorder is celebrated, promoted, and leads to a healthier community
Faces and Voices for Recovery
Our Recovery Training Academy offers a comprehensive training program for individuals aspiring to become Certified Peer Support Specialists. Our CPSS/Recovery Coach fosters recovery by eliminating obstacles and mentoring individuals seeking or maintaining their recovery.
Faces and Voices for Recovery
We aim to break down the myths and stigma around recovery by sharing our experiences. You can make a difference too. Share your story and put a face on recovery.
Help is just a phone call or text away. We understand because ... we are you. And everything you share with us is confidential.